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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1 / 2008  

  Abstract:   The responsible attitude of the Christians in the Postmodern Era. In the Romanian society, after the communism time, the postmodernism, and, along with it, secularization, request from the Christian a peculiar conscience because through its work the emphasizing of values is affirmed, from the way they are intercepted to the fulfillment which is needed for him in order to enjoy himself. Orthodoxy has to offer many prompt and concrete answers to the secularization’s states-of-fact, her mission comprising the offering to the world of the testimony about its specific spirit that made her stay alive for two thousand years: the innovating power of the Tradition, the seasonableness of patristic thought, the dynamic of the spiritual wealth of faith, the spiritualization of man and creation in front of God. The Christian Tradition requires to be re-conjugated not at a common present time, but at the postmodern time, the fundamental question, with its two distinct directions, being the same: How does the world in which we have to transmit the Christian message really look like ?, and: What is the innovating way of the Christian speech, so it can touch and spiritually mobilize every man ? The value of the mission remains permanently one and the same: the unaltered transmission of teaching through which man comes to salvation, no matter the epoch he lives in. The theological and pastoral answers should refer, in a larger concept, also at challenges that Orthodoxy is confronted with only in very recent times: the problems of the youth, family and divorce, confessional pluralism, ethics of the dialog and of system of communications, migration to Western Europe, unemployment, competition, ecology, wrights of the minorities, sexuality and sexual minorities, morality in urban-type anonymity. Affirming a morality that harmonizes with the society’s state-of-fact and finding real solutions for applying this morality represents the only concrete step made by the Church towards a viable dialog with the civil society.  
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